Nan Carreira
Event Production and Facilitation
Nan Carreira is a non-binary artist based in London working primarily with painting, drawing and participative art, with a special focus on queerness. Nan’s work can be seen as a call to imagine new worlds where traits like vulnerability and self-expression are celebrated instead of being punished and repressed. To achieve this, Nan takes inspiration from mythology and religion to elevate queerness to a sacred place. The reality for queer people at this moment in time, specially for trans and non binary identities, is harsh and painful. Nan’s work offers a space to explore these emotions and transcend them, creating art from lived experience.

Recent exhibitions include Taking Pride in Art, Capital Group, London (2023); Queer Art(ists) Now, Space Station 65, London (2022); Queer Frontiers, Artiq, London (2022); and Camp Good Times, Bristol (2022).

Nan also works as an event producer and workshop facilitator, within this work Nan explores ways in which art can help to question and build ideas around LGBTQIA+ experiences. From collage workshops, to collaborative pieces around museums collections Nan has years of experience in facilitating safe spaces to explore queerness collectively.

Recent projects include Queering the Collection, Wellcome Collection, London (2022); (Un)happy queers, online workshop (2021); Ignite memories: love letters edition, online project (2021); Ignite Memories, Wellcome Collection (2019).
Image from the workshop Ignite Memories, Wellcome Collection, 2019